RESPONSIBLE TOURISM FeaturesHomeOpinionPortfolioDecember 13, 2017Mt. Agung Eruption and Tourists An article on December 1, 2017, in featured photos of tourists posed with erupted Mt. Agung in Bali, Indonesia as the background. The article…
Bali’s Mangroves Offer Welcome Escape BaliBlogHomePortfolioThe Jakarta GlobeDecember 30, 2013Feature The Jakarta Globe, September 30 2013
In Bali, Muslim Descendents of King’s Guard Live in Peace BaliBlogHomePortfolioThe Jakarta GlobeDecember 6, 2012 The Jakarta Globe August 10, 2012
Amed: Tranquil village rich in marine activities BaliBlogHomePortfolioThe Jakarta PostDecember 30, 2006Travel article printed on The Jakarta Post, October 22 2006
Lontar Legacy: Knowledge and Wisdom BaliBali and BeyondBlogHomePortfolioDecember 6, 2003BALI-BEYOND-JULY-2003DownloadThe article was printed in Bali & Beyond of July 2003 Edition.
Kids learn animal best when it is entertaining BaliBlogHomePortfolioThe Jakarta PostDecember 30, 2002The Jakarta Post, July 3 2002
Restaurants for vegetarians in town BaliBlogHomePortfolioThe Jakarta PostDecember 30, 2002Food review printed on The Jakarta Post May 30, 2002
Kreneng night market offers Balinese food BaliBlogHomePortfolioThe Jakarta PostDecember 30, 2002Travel article printed on The Jakarta Post, February 07 2002
Kuta — Bali’s international village where everything goes BaliBlogHomePortfolioThe Jakarta PostDecember 30, 2001A travel article printed on The Jakarta Post, September 16, 2001